Community website
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September 2021
August 2021
July 2021
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
March 2021
February 2021
January 2021
December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020
August 2020
July 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
September 2021
September 28
A new Topcoder Home for you. Now you have one place to find everything new at the Topcoder Community.
Improved loading speed for /gigs. Now you can find gig work opportunities faster.
August 2021
August 2 - 8
TCO21 Regional Event took place.
August 11
Thrive - Details page update. New look and feel for articles page released. Left-side content section added that display useful information for members.
August 20
General Referral Links - referral program now supports generic links you could share with your network and earn money when members apply for gigs.
July 2021
July 13
Platform updates - new themes for Contentful components
Multiple bugs fixed related to TCO leaderboards
June 2021
June 8
Multiple Thrive UI bug fixes released to production.
June 28
Released the new TCO22 site - good luck to all members participating!
April 2021
Re-designed and re-developed the design month page.
Tags and hotlist for gigs - we have implemented those for you to find top gig work offers.
Added search state in URL for gigs search - you could bookmark your favorite gig work searches now! Jusy search for a term and click the star on your browser.:)
March 2021
March 18
Gig application process updated - it is now much easier to apply for gigs than before. Members have profile data set in application form automatically.
March 9
Gig Work Resources - new page created.
February 2021
February 26
Gig Referrals Program - You can earn $500 for simply referring someone to a gig and once they get chosen and have participated for a month, you get paid!
February 22
Email Preferences Updated - If you realized that you are no longer receiving emails from us and you are expecting them, you may have unsubscribed accidentally! Go to your preferences and resubscribe there.
Brand New Forums!! - Out with the old and in with the new. Say adios to legacy forums and say hello to our new and speedier Topcoder Forums. This is just version 1, but we were so excited to release it to you all.
February 2
Colored Handles in Leaderboard - Now if you are on a leaderboard, your name should highlight in your rated color.
January 2021
January 27
Thrive Filter Updated - The filter has become a little more user friendly!
December 2020
December 21
NEW Topcoder Beta Testers Program - New program and webpage. Sign up and get paid to test Topcoder’s newest features!
November 2020
November 3
NEW Challenge Details Sidebar Links - “Useable Code Rules” send you to a Thrive article describing a set of guidelines to help determine if code is acceptable or not. “Topcoder Extension for VSCode” sends you to a Visual Studio Extension download page that will assist you with development challenges.
October 2020
October 1
Gig Application Updates - We have finally moved the application process over to our end! Enjoy a new UI to enter in your information as you sign up for a gig.
RDM Newsletter Option - Visit your preferences page in your profile and turn on the switch to start receiving newsletters about our all new Rapid Development Match.
October 13
Gig Email Subscribe Page - Want the latest updates on the gigs that we have available? Sign up on this page or in your settings under “Preferences”.
New TCO21 Data Science Trip Winner Page and Leaderboard - New for TCO21 we are introducing a way to win a trip if you are a competitor of Data Science Code challenges on Topcoder! Check out the page for all the information you need!
September 2020
September 17
Gig Description Updates - The link to the Gig Work Forum has been corrected and you may now sign up for the Gig Work Newsletter on this page to get weekly updates on the latest gigs released!
Gig Listing Filters - Only want to see opportunities for India Only? USA Only? You can now use the dropdown filters next to the search box to do just that and sort by last gig updated or last gig added!
September 10
New Welcome Page - Being introduced to Topcoder has never been easier with our new Welcome Page! Only visible to those just joining Topcoder (and to you visiting this page), you will be directed to choose between two paths toward your Topcoder experience.
Gig Listings UI Fixes - As we make decisions every day to enhance your experience with Gig Work, we have made some UI Fixes to our Gig Listings Page. Ain’t it pretty?
Gig Work Category Added To Thrive - Not much there as of yet, but you can expect some great articles to be posted there soon!
August 2020
August 4
Linked Tabs - Previously you were unable to link to specific data in a tabbed table like the Topcoder Statistics page. Now you can direct link your friends to specific leaderboards that showcase your talent!
Tables Design Refresh - You will notice on pages like the TCO Development Leaderboard
No Default Avatar - No picture? No problem. There was a bug where the author’s profile picture wouldn’t show up most times. The layout has been fixed
Card Tiles Are Now Smaller - We noticed that with longer blog title names, you were unable to understand what some of our articles were about. This should fix that
Banners in Articles Updated - Now we have the classic Topcoder shaped banners for our Thrive Articles!
August 24
NEW Gig Work Page UI - Finding gigs on Topcoder just got so much easier. We already have plans to add more features to this page but wanted to get this out to you ASAP!
July 2020
July 13
NEW Competitive Programming Page - Determine which version of the arena is right for you. Also remember having links to all your favorite CP pages? Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to find all of these important links.
Practice Page in Footer - Now you can access the page whether you are toward the top or the bottom of a Topcoder page! Find it under “Compete”
Challenge Pipeline in Footer - Hopefully you haven’t forgotten about the Challenge Pipeline page! This has been a hidden gem over the last few months with many members taking advantage of its capabilities. You can now find it easily in the footer under “Community”
July 7
Newsletter Opt In/Out - You can now visit your preferences to opt in or out of any of our newsletters! Perhaps you will find a subject you didn’t even know existed!
July 6
Practice Page - Our Topcoder newbies are going to love this page we created for them! If you are having trouble understanding how to participate here at Topcoder, this brand new page is for you. You can also access this under “Compete” in the header menu.
Smart Newsletter Signup Button - Visiting a page that gives you an opportunity to sign up for it’s newsletter will not appear if you are already signed up for it.
July 1
TCO21 Page Released - Our annual tournament is back! Check in to discover the latest information and most updated leaderboards.
May 2020
May 21
Lower Content on Challenge Details - There was some content at the bottom of every Challenge Details page that was out of date. This either has been removed or updated.
Incorrect Series Article When Clicked - There was a sporadic bug where if you clicked on an article from a series in Thrive, it would take you to one specific article no matter which you clicked on. This should now be fixed.
Right Clicking Search Result in Thrive - right clicking a search result in Thrive to open in a new tab is now possible.
NEW TCO Leaderboard Modal Design - clicking on a handle in a TCO Leaderboard (Development Leaderboard for example) will show you an updated design displaying the name of the competitions that member won, their placement, and the number of points earned.
Newsletter Archive Sorting - You can now sort by date and name of the newsletter in our Newsletter Archive!
May 19
Registration and Login - Redesign of Registration form and login window.
May 13
Marathon Match 100 Fix - A fix has been made to a bug where in certain cases a MM submission was failing to run. The virus scan returned 100, but the next review wouldn’t succeed. The leaderboard was displaying 100 as the submission score.
May 12
Webinars Page - Now accessible via the Member Programs page, this page will now house all of the webinars that we have planned and those that you can revisit.
May 07
TaaS Registration Button - Now accessible via the banner, if you visit the TaaS page you can click to register for the latest updates regarding upcoming and active work.
May 01
NEW Design Month Page - We all know that May is Design Month here at Topcoder. It has been so successful in past years that it is about time it has it’s own page!
NEW Ghe’s Page - A page has been create in honor of a beloved Topcoder member who has passed away.
120+ New SRM Editorials Added
April 2020
April 27
Device Dropdown Adding Device types to your profile is no longer freeform, you now have options to choose from!
Old Marathon Matches Available Again - There was a bug where some of the legacy Marathon Matches were showing up as blank. This has been resolved.
Rating Number Update in Profile - There was a bug where some rating numbers were not being updated properly in your profile but updating correctly in the graph. We have fixed this!
Ratings Graph Not Shown in Profile - After competing in an SRM, rating would be updated in Arena but not in your profile. Not anymore!
April 24
Thrive Popular Content - While on a category page (i.e. Topcoder Category Page) on Thrive, the UI for the bottom section “Popular Content” has been updated.
THRIVE ARTICLE VOTING - You can now “like” or dislike an article in Thrive. Try it out!
Thrive Search Results - There was a bug if you searched a keyword, it would only return results within the past month. We have opened this to the beginning of time. Topcoder time… 2001.
April 21
Changelog in Footer - You can now find this page on the footer of all pages.
Buttons Appear After Submission - After a successful submission to a challenge, the “Back to Challenges” and “Submit Again” buttons were not displayed. They are now!
Profile Handle Colors - There was a bug where handles were black in the profiles. You worked hard to achieve your rating color! You can now share proudly once again.
Fetch Service Updated - The fetch service of our CMS was hitting API rate limits for pages with large numbers of models. In laments terms, faster webpage loads!
Thrive Cards Fix - There was a bug where if there was html in the beginning of an article, the preview would display it. Obviously we don’t want that to happen, so you won’t be seeing that any longer!
Challenge Listings Clear Search - Before if you searched a keyword on the Challenge Listings page, you would need to delete your search… re-search… such a pain. Now there is an “X” button you can click to remove your search term and update the results!
April 16
Tags Fixed in Thrive - There was an issue where if there were too many tags, the formatting was misaligned. This is now fixed!
Invitation Letter and Referrals Removed - There were options in the settings that pointed to an “Invitation Letter” and “Referrals”. Those were never meant to be there so, POOF! They’re gone.
Wrong Ellipses Count - There was a bug one of our members brought up where in some places on Thrive, the ellipses were seen as 2 dots and some had 3. We made the complicated decision to use THREE dots!
NEW FOOTER - As you may (or may not) have noticed, we have a brand new footer at the bottom of all the community pages! (pro-tip: scroll down to the bottom right now and you’ll see it. Great way to get to the page you are looking for!
New Track Landing Pages - If you recall, clicking on a specific track in the header navigation took you to a static landing page with the same old content day after day. Instead, we are going to be redirecting you to the Thrive Track Homepage. This way you can visit your track and get an ever-changing dynamic page to visit being updated with articles you will find interesting.
Legacy Marathon Matches - There was an issue where legacy marathon matches such as this one were not loading properly. This has been fixed.
April 14
26 SRMs Transferred - On our way to completing the transfer of all the SRM Editorials!
Table of Contents Updated - On the How To Compete in a Marathon Match page we have updated the table of contents so that they anchor to their appropriate section.
April 8
Grouped Algorithm Tutorials: Originally it was difficult to find all tutorials in one place. They are now grouped under one subcategory in Thrive now.
April 7
Launched Changelog Webpage: But you know that, because you’re here!
Thrive Request Form: Launched a request form for Thrive that you can submit your bug fixes, feature requests, tag changes, etc!
March 2020
Launch Party Webpage: New webpage to celebrate the premiere of the Topcoder Documentary.
TAAS (Gig Work) Webpage: New webpage that can be found in the header navigation under Compete -> Gig Work.
COVID-19 Webpage: New webpage created to help our members during this tough time.
Meet The Admins Banner: Access the newly designed Meet the Admins page through the Community Learn page.
Newsletter Archives Banner: Access the newly designed Newsletter Archives page via the bottom of the Member Programs page.
Newsletter Subscribe Switch: Removed switches in profile settings to subscribe to specific track newsletters as they no longer exist.
185 SRM Editorials Transferred: These editorials have been converted from the legacy /tc site into Thrive. The effort will be continuing over the next month until all editorials have been transferred.
Codeblock Fix in Thrive: In parallel with the release of the SRM Editorials, we realized our codeblocks could use a little TLC.
New Banner on Community Learn Page: Poseidon Banner updated to Covid-19 Banner on Community Learn page.
Relink “About” in Footer: Originally a broken link that lives once again!
Thrive Image Formatting: Images when displayed now do not take up the width of the container.
Help Button Linked Properly: The help button located under profile name in the header navigation points to the correct Thrive location instead of the deprecated Help Center. All the information is still there!
Text in Dashboard Banner Fixed: There is no longer HTML that shows when the banner is collapsed and html exists in the content.
Slider fixed: The slider no longer breaks when it reaches the last item.
Looking To Get More Detailed?
Github is a website that we use to track all of the bugs and features that we work on here at Topcoder. We love being transparent with our community, which is why you have access to view all the tickets that we have closed recently!